Registration for the 2020 West Coast Meeting of the Minds Conference has reached its capacity, but you can still join John Taylor for a pre-conference workshop. John’s workshop runs from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. (PDT) on Wednesday, March 25th.
Register for John’s workshop here.
Advancement Services Nuts & Bolts:
Core Gift Acceptance Issues
with John Taylor

This workshop is designed to dive well into the weeds of gift acceptance and processing. The primary focus area will be around IRS regulations, flavored by CASE guidelines regarding what counts and what doesn’t count. Specifically, this session will cover some of the new issues raised by Congress. This will include an update on the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act, including the impact on charitable giving due to the increase in the standard deduction. We will also explore what revocation of the 80/20 rule pertaining to seating priority means for athletics – and all other seating applications. We will then look at such topics as quid pro quo, and gift dates. We will dabble in DAF and Family Foundation issues but those will be explored more fully during a regular MOTM session. There will be discussions on donor control, scholarships, common gift myths, auctions, sponsorships, and special events. Half of our time, however, will revolve around acceptance of non-cash gifts – pretty much everything we didn’t expect a donor might gift, but does! Increasingly donors are attempting to donate unique, and not always desired, forms of non-cash gifts. This session will focus on establishment of protocol and policy to facilitate acceptance – or rejection – of these gifts. We’ll discuss the importance of a Gift Acceptance Committee and a Gift Acceptance Policy. We’ll look at gifts of securities, as well as the IRS concern regarding related versus unrelated gifts of property. And then we’ll do a lightning round covering a dozen or so other forms of non-standard gifts – including cryptocurrency!
This workshop fee is $60.
Register for John’s workshop here.